Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Lover, You Should've Come Over

You are so good at being passive-aggressive, aren't you? Yes, I saw your updated profile on friendster. Couldn't wait to let the world know, could you? Wasn't there even a grace mourning period?

That's what I always hated about you, your inability to communicate. Or maybe, your inability to communicate with me. Like the times I'd go on and on, letting you know how I feel, and I would get no reaction back from you. It was so frustrating, like talking to a brick wall. And how you would not text or email me cuz you said you didn't have anything to say? Grrr!

Anyway, enough of that. I had a little pity party for one when I got home yesterday, haha. I actually listed to Jeff Buckley again. Do you remember that? It was the CD I listened to when right after Subic. But it didn't work this time, didn't really make me feel better. But I'm sure as each day passes, it WILL get easier and easier.

It's funny, there was actually this article on MSN when I got into work today. Pretty fitting, don't you think? Especially the points below:
  • You compare your partner to others. When you love someone, you don't compare him or her to others. If you find yourself doing this, you should re-evaluate your relationship.
  • You try to change your partner. Often we fall in love with people who don't suit us. If you find that you're constantly trying to change your partner, it may be time to move on.
  • You're doing all the giving (or all the getting). Relationships are about mutual benefit. If one partner is benefiting over the other, the relationship is unhealthy.

Or maybe I'm just bitter? Anyway...more later. This blog stuff is more addicting than I thought!


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