Monday, December 13, 2010

I Need To Find You

So, it's that time of the year again, when I get to add yet another year to my already inflated age.

As is tradition with me, the first thing I did when the clock struck 12 was to determine my birthday song, which involves nothing more than hitting shuffle on the iPod and taking the first song it gives. It was a bit tough this year, though. I couldn't find a song that suited the day! I must've pressed shuffle four or five times and hit next track to finally settle on a song....which turned out to be Joe Jonas's "Gotta Find You." Sappy as all hell, and something I would never listen to voluntarily, but it was on my iPod (to complete the Camp Rock OST, you see. I was a big Demi Lovato fan back in the day. lol), and the words did strike a chord.

I still believe that there is something out there waiting for me to find it, waiting to be found, and to this day I still do not know what IT is, but I know, I feel that it's out there. Maybe it's an undiscovered universal truth that will resonate through me, maybe it's a person, maybe it's a song, maybe it's a movie, or a TV show, or a manga compilation. Whatever it is, some part of me will just KNOW when I find IT. Somehow, it feels akin to seeing the face of God, this discovery. It's THAT BIG. But I suppose that's what life is all about, the search and journey in search of this....whatever it is.

It was a pretty uneventful day, actually. TONS of Facebook greetings though, from people I haven't heard from in ages, and people I've barely even spoken to. Still, very heartwarming. :) We ordered pizza and KFC for dinner because I wasn't really up to going out for dinner, and it was ok. Adequate. Maybe I'm just past the stage of making a big deal out of birthdays, throwing huge parties etc. Or maybe I'm just getting old. haha. I still do remember a time when birthdays meant inviting people over for dinner and drinks that lasted until 5am the next day. But these days....yeah, I'm getting old.

Looking forward to tomorrow, though. It will be the first official day of Xmas shopping for me. I hope to get a LOT, if not all my shopping done. Also, I'll be shopping for my birthday present. hehe. Should I get figma Mugi and Ritsu? Figma Kagami? The Angel Beats nendoroid petits? More manga? hehe. I am excite. Should be a good day.

Ne, watashi, tanjoubi omedetou. :)


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