Friday, September 24, 2004

Do You Remember Me?

You know what sucks?

You haven't seen me play DDR in a while! I'm getting pretty good! I passed 5 or so new songs last Saturday, including a 9 (...I Feel) and Max 300 on Standard, which I've been trying to pass for the longest time! Felt so good about myself. And then, on Sunday, I was playing in Megamall, and actually worked up quite the crowd...prolly like 10 people or so watching. Did two songs that are locked on the Glorietta Extreme - Sync and Last Message. I dunno, I might play when I get home today, cuz it's been a while since I played. Then again, I might just play Amplitude instead. It's this new music game I got for the PS2...that's right, I finally got the PS2, and I haven't even told you. It sucks, though, it's kinda broken. Half the games I bought for it don't play, the DVD player doesn't work, can't really see the opening screen cuz it's PAL and the system is wrong, etc. etc. I think I got a dud they just put it together from old parts and slapped a shiny exterior on it. Anyway, that's on my agenda for Sunday, and I hope they do change it...they'd fucking better!

You haven't even seen my haircut, and you were the one who wanted me to get it! I bet the next time we see each other (if ever), my hair would've grown out again cuz it grows so fast...hehe. I know you hate my hair anyway...LOL.

There is a beautiful sunrise going on right now outside the window. It's a brilliant orange, almost neon. I can see it reflecting off the TV. But you're prolly sleeping right now. Oh well.

Anyway, looks like I'll be hanging out in Glorietta again on Saturday morning. I texted Kensai to see if he wanted to meet up, talk about things (I told him already about us as well), and he said he'd be there. So I'm really looking forward to that. Seeing old friends.

See what I mean when I said you were my whole world? You were. I didn't even hang out with anyone else, except my brother for a little bit on Saturday night before I fell asleep, and the Sundays we didn't hang out in ATC. I just realized now that I practically threw myself into you. Hell, I didn't even hang out with my family on the weekends to be with you! Didn't hang out with my friends anymore.

Maybe that's part of what the problem was. It was like we had blinders on for each other only, and I guess that could only go on for so long.

You know, I DO understand you, I do. But it hurts, and it makes me sad.

What also hurts, though, is the feeling I get that this isn't bothering you AT ALL.

It would be nice to get some kind of indication that you're also affected by this...

Doubt I'll get one, though.


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