Thursday, December 09, 2004


I can't believe it...I saw your new picture on Friendster, and I can't believe how different you look now. SO DIFFERENT. It feels like you're a totally different person now...

Well, that's prolly cuz you ARE a totally different person now, but it was so amazing how different you looked. So far removed from my memories and how I pictured you. Maybe it's all gonne come back to me if we ever do see each other in person again, but it is SO weird.

Part of me felt like it was like seeing you for the first time. Maybe it's because this time, the blinders are off, you know? You know how they say "Love is Blind?" Well, maybe I've regained my sight.

That one picture of you, the one with your officemates...OMFG you looked horrendous there!!! You may say I'm only saying this because I'm bitter, but I'm not. I'm just being honest...(ha! That was always and forever YOUR LINE.) I don't know what's going on!!! When we were together, you were this goddess in my eyes, you know? I guess that's cuz I put you on this pedestal and worshipped you.

But now...seeing your pictures...a certain aura has been stripped away. You don't seem like such a goddess anymore. You seem...ordinary. Just another face in the sea of faces that I've waded through my entire life. I don't even know if I would recognize you walking down the street anymore, you look THAT different.

Maybe this is the beginning for me, you know? The beginning of the end. When the feelings have finally, TRULY, HONESTLY subsided. When I have made a decision to stop loving you, and will not fall into it again so easily...

The egomaniac in me says you're not as pretty as you used to be because you're not with me anymore, and I made you beautiful...hehe, but my god, babe. Whatever you're doing to yourself, stop it right now, because it's not doing you good.

When did you turn downright FUGLY????


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