Saturday, December 18, 2004


Since I feel this should now be a "real" blog rather than a bitch-about-the-ex-fest, I'll see if I can put down 101 things about me, but I doubt I'll get that far...hehe.

1) My name is Bob. It was given to me by an old editor in chief called Mikey way back in Freshman year of college.
2) I am a ddr freak. The most people I've had watching me play DDR was around 30 people, in Timezone G4. I choked from the pressure and failed the song I was doing. Everyone left. LOL.
3) I used to be a dvd freak. I probably bought 3-4 original DVDs a WEEK...until my money ran out...and my DVD player broke. I don't really buy DVDs anymore.
4) I drink. A lot.
5) I've been through too many musical phases. New Wave. Reggae. Pop. Glam Rock. Thrash Metal. Lilith Fair-y chick music. Electronic Dance Music. etc. etc. etc. Right now, I mostly listen to Urbandub.
6) I hate getting my hair cut. But I've only had it long once in my life. I should get a haircut on Sunday, but we'll see...
7) I work nights, but don't work for a call center.
8) I am a big videogamer. Now addicted to PS2. I've been there since the Atari 2600 - NES - Sega Genesis - SNES - PS1 - PS2. Games on the computer, too. I need more free time in my life. 9) I played in a band in college. Guitar and vocals. The best experience was playing ORSEM 1992, hitting the beginning riff of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit," and having the whole place explode.
10) I like Chinese movies.
11) I hate commuting. To pass the time, I listen to my MD player. Only have 6 or so discs, though, so they're getting a bit stale. I want an ipod for Xmas.
12) I used to skateboard every day, but don't really have a lot of time these days. I can at least ollie over stuff.
13) One of the coolest things that happened to me was walking through the crowded dancefloor at Orange 3 or 4 years ago. I felt someone's hand and clasped it. She squeezed and I squeezed back. I never got to see her face.
14) When I fall, I fall HARD. As evident in the archives.
15) It's not easy for me to fall for someone, though.
16) I am a collector. CDs, DVDs, PS1 games, PS2 games, Tech Decks, magazines. In other words, I have a lot of junk in my room. A lot of it still in boxes.
17) I have a fetish for redheads. With freckles all over. And very pale skin. An ex dyed her hair red once to cater to this fetish. Then she braided it. And looked like Pippi Longstocking...hehe.
18) I only watch sports during the playoffs.
19) I used to be a vegetarian. I stopped right after 9/11. I figured, "well, the world is going to shit, life's too short, might as well not deprive myself from all the food I've been missing."
20) I was in the choir in high school. We traveled to Sydney, Australia at the invite of a catholic girls' school. It was awesome walking around the school, being treated like a celebrity just for being a guy, and having random hottie aussie chicks say "Hi" to you and smile.
21) My favorite class in college was Philosophy. Especially "Philosophy of Religion," even if I am not that religious.
22) I hardly watch TV, because of my schedule. There is one show, though, that I never miss...The Amazing Race. I heart Kendra, even though she is whiny and kinda racist. Call me shallow, but I forgive her because of her hotness....hehe.

Okay, I didn't get to 101...LOL. To be continued.


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