Saturday, September 25, 2004

I Should've Never Let You Go

You know what?

I am in such a bittersweet mood right now, but in a way, I am kinda happy.

I met up with Kensai and Kristine today, and learned so many new things! :) I now know what I did wrong in our relationship, and I know now what to do. I'll let you know that on Monday, when I'm coherent enough (vodka red bull and beer, you're my only friends, hehe) but suffice it to say, I'm feeling I can move on properly now. My vision has cleared, and thanks to my friends, I now know what path I have to take.

A preview:
  • No expectations
  • Let you know that I am always here for you

I'll elaborate on Monday, but I'm at a place where I am content.

Had a grand old time with my friends, and it seems like we were just apart yesterday, when it has been YEARS! As predicted, when all three of us got together, there were fireworks, hehe. Things were pretty funny! It was like I was back in college!

But anyway, a shout out to those two. You guys fucking RAWK! And you'll get your Gmail invites on Monday, hehe.

Kristine, thanks for always being there for me, and giving me a woman's point of view.

Kensai, thanks for putting everything in perspective for me, and showing me where I went wrong, even though I couldn't see it to begin with.

And to you, sweet Hazel, just to let you know, I am at peace now.

Details at 11. Hehe.

PS - I listened to Jules again...I missed her.

PS2 - Gotta get my PS2 replaced tomorrow...oh, I am so damn witty...LOL.



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