Tuesday, September 28, 2004

My Happy Ending

I really don't much like the Avril song that serves as the title of this entry, but I was watching MTV before work today when I was getting ready, and it felt like I was hearing the lyrics for the first time, and funnily enough, they fit perfectly!

You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending

Scary, huh? But well, not much relationship stuff in this post, I guess I can elaborate on what I learned, and where I went wrong, etc. next time.

What I did realize, though, that's kinda scary, is I don't even know if I do want to get back together with you. I mean, yeah, I miss everything, like being with you, and hanging out on Saturday mornings, and getting a sweet text from you every day, but thinking about it, I don't really have very good reasons of wanting to get back together with you. Kensai asked me why, and I said, "Well, it's because we've been together for so long and I don't want to feel like it was all a waste of time." He said "Two years isn't THAT long, and don't EVER feel like you've wasted your time, because every experience we go through is a learning experience." Another reason I gave was "What if I don't find anyone else like you?" and after thinking about it, I know that's not a good reason either.

The romantic in me wants to say so much that I want to get back together with you because I need YOU, and that's all that matters. Sadly, though, I don't know if that's true anymore. Maybe I lost the feeling as well, and the convenience of having you there was what I thought to be "love." We really have to talk about everything, get a sense of closure one of these days.

Anyway, my weekend was great. Hung out with Kensai and Kristine like I mentioned, then hung out with Kensai in Rockwell for a little bit after. I played on a total of 3 DDR machines...5th mix in Greenbelt, Extreme in Glorietta, and then Extreme again in Rockwell. The Extreme in Rockwell was REALLY nice. The pads felt new, and all the songs were unlocked. Too bad I really couldn't play as much as I wanted to cuz I was with friends, but anyway, had a good time all in all.

On Sunday, I finally got my PS2 replaced, and now it works like a charm! :) SO awesome! With the old PS2, I felt like I was really regretting it, and it was a big waste of money, because half the games I bought weren't working, and the DVD player wasn't working either, but now, I feel I can start getting into it more. The DVD player works fine, but only for R3 DVDs, which isn't so bad, and only a couple of games don't work anymore (NBA Street, which the people at Greenhills said was buggy anyway, and, unfortunately, DDRMax!!!), but now I don't regret getting it anymore (now that I have a lot of free time to play, haha). I was watching Animatrix and Matrix: Reloaded over the weekend and that just ROCKED.

What else? Not much. Gotta get going. :)

You know what's funny? Right after I realize that I'm not as into you as I used to be, and I'm not sure if I still wanna get back together, you start communicating, sending me email and text.

Weirdness. But that's how the world works, I suppose.


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